
Monday, 7 January 2013

Jihadist Terrorists Became Beloved Rebels In The Public Imagination

Jihadist Terrorists Became Beloved Rebels In The Public Imagination

When President Obama announced that he ordered the death of Bin Laden, an untruthful claim, his zombie-like followers gathered at the White House to cheer the end of Al-Qaeda's decade of terror. But, while they were busy cheering, their leader was secretly supporting Al Qaeda in its armed struggle against Assad.

This fact was at first suppressed, but now the whole world knows that Al Qaeda is leading the fight against Assad while being backed by the Obama administration, Turkey, Israel, France, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

According to neoliberal and neoconservative interventionists who hold sway in Washington, stopping Al Qaeda is less important than overthrowing a dictator. They're even bringing Al Qaeda back to life to fulfill their aims. At the same time, they're beginning to publicly acknowledge the long-suppressed reality that Jihadist terrorism is their creation.

Al Qaeda's international backers are telling the world, "Yes, we are international state terrorists, but our aims are noble and pure. Plus, no one can stop us, so there's no point in drawing public attention to our brutal practices and evil methods. We want Assad gone and we are willing to use terrorism to do it."

What is the world's answer to their monstrous aggressive wars and their support for Jihadi terrorism? For the most part, silence and compliance.

It seems terrorism is acceptable if the perpetrator is Barack Hussein Obama rather than Osama Bin Laden.

Terrorism, far from being the weapon of the weak and the fringe, is the cornerstone policy of the world's only superpower. And this begs the question, is the United States a world empire or a failed terrorist state.

The real target of Washington's global war on terror was American power and American liberty, not the loose-knit global network of Jihadist terrorism.

9/11 was an attack on America, but the attackers were operating from inside the heart of power in Washington. They captured the public's imagination with 9/11. The Jihadist scapegoats for that event have been rebranded as beloved rebels in a noble fight against Assad.

But their cause is not noble. So it is only natural and right that Assad treats the Jihadist terrorists who are killing Syrians as Bush and Obama treated them after it was claimed that they killed Americans on 9/11.

In Syria, the world is either with the victims or the terrorists. The world rightfully stood with America on September 11, 2001. It must now stand with Syria.